Friday, September 01, 2006

Here's a pic of my nephews.


I miss my two devils. I saw them last Saturday, but it was only for a short while. So now I'm missing them. Miss their sweet smells after their evening bath, their shrill shouts of delight and their infectious laughter.

God, how is it possible to love someone so dearly, it hurts? To miss them even only a day apart? To miss not only the good things, but also the tears, the tantrums? And they're not even mine.

I can only imagine the pain it will cause me when they make their move to Yishun later. Not being able to drop by on a whim, to rush and be there in 5-10 minutes in cases of emergency, to grab things from a shop shelf and to bring it to them as a surprise on the next hour.

Naqib and Raziq, from birth, you came into my life. Bringing me the sun with a flash of your smiles. I love you guys so much!

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