Thursday, October 16, 2008

My thoughts

This Raya is like 2 sides of a coin. On one side, its lebih meriah, with the kids and my family staying with us. I had company to make cookies with, to clean the house with, to go market for the festivities.

On the other side, its like takde feeling Raya! With myself working late and hubby working shift, we hardly got time to co-ordinate to jalan raya. Even with the one week leave I took, it wasn't able to get me in the mood, cos I find myself dreading the end of my leave.

Funny eh...? Baru start cuti dah ingat pasal keje. But it's been like that since my promotion. Syukur Alhamdullilah. Tetapi... I kinda regret taking up the position. Tapi mana pernah orang regret dapat promotion? I've never heard of it. What more with the bad economy... I must be crazy to think of xxxx when everybody else is hangin on to the very edge of the office desk with news of recession and the bad economy. Yet.. I dunno, I dun like what I'm doing, I am unhappy and miserable, I work late most days, and I drag myself to work. Is this just a phase? Or is it for real?

Although I get short tempered now and then, and feel like giving up once in a while... I strive on, for this little guy... who's so small, yet gives me all the strength to hold on yet one more day.