Thursday, July 05, 2007

My Birthday and The Final Month

My birthday this year went by without much fanfare. We booked a chalet at Downtown East for 3 days 2 nights for the weekend. Basically, just a short getaway cum gathering for the families.

We had bbq-ed food for 2 nights in a row, and I was most satisfied that I finally got to eat my bbq-ed jagung (corn)! It was also relaxing cos I didn't have to do much except laze around and eat. haha! It was nice. The kids had fun when we brought them to Explorerkids and Wild Wild Wet. And when they're happy, I'm happy too. I felt very much at bliss... the family was having fun, hubby was nice and helpful, no stress from work, it was all a girl could ask for!

Although we didn't take much photos, Darn..!! I just realised that my camera's at home. I won't be able to upload photos after all. Heehee... Dunno why, but taking photos are becoming such a chore to me. I hate having my photos taken, and its taken a turn for the worse eversince I got pregnant. So, the photos gotta wait k. Will try to do it over the weekends, if I got time in between laundry and packing my baby's things.

I am officially in my 37th week now. That is, I've been pregnant for 36 weeks and 1 day according to my doctor's calculations. Other than the terrible heat and my aching back which often causes difficulty in getting up, walking and etc.. I dun have much complaints. The baby's kicks are getting stronger each day, letting me know without fail just how excited he is to seeing the world.

I'm seeing the doctor again tomorrow. Finally, my visits have been increased to 2-3 weeks gaps instead of the usual 4 weeks. I'm a bit concerned cos the doctor has been warning me since the last 2-3 visits now that the baby is growing too fast and may be too big for a natural delivery. Aaarggh! Its giving me such a pressure. I want to eat well for my baby to get his nutrients, but yet I must cut down so that it'll be easier for me during childbirth. Having a big sized baby increases the chances of C-sect. My mom herself has been through 3 caesarian births, but of course, which woman doesn't hope to do it naturally and less pain please! Hubby keeps telling me to have faith in God, as he'll only want the best for us. But that can't stop me from worrying, see?

On the other hand, we have been doing some shopping over the last month and bought all the baby clothes and bottles and what-nots. I've yet to get the big items though. Will depend on its necessity when the time actually comes. Nowadays, I have been chasing hubby to get those plastic drawers so that I can finally pack the baby's stuff in. For now, the items are all lying around our room in their plastic bags still. I must also really get down to packing my hospital bag in case The Day comes earlier than expected =)

Nowadays, there so many things to do and not to do! Grandma got me air zam-zam to drink and MIL got me another dunno-wat drink to make birth easier. Hubby has been encouraging me to take coconut drinks as per advice from friends and relatives. Then there's also the tradition of drinking hot milo + 2 eggs the moment I feel that I'm in labour (for strength). MIL has been reminding me to wear bedroom slippers at home to keep myself warm. She doesn't know I need the fan blasting at me before I can sleep at night, heehee!!

Then, there's the constant worry about work. To train my temp staff to take over me. To clear up my desk with items I wanna bring homw. To bring home the MacLaren pram that my boss gave me (its been under my desk for 3 months now!). To settle my leave and paperwork stuff with HR before I go... and all this with the worry that I may give birth anytime soon!

And aside from all this, I am forever asking myself, have I got all the necessities? Have I got everything covered? Did I buy this, and do I need to buy this? There's so much things on my mind! Dun be surprised if I ever walk past any of you and not see or recognize u straight away.

Wow.. ok! This blog has been long enough. God knows when I'll blog again. Probably by then, I would have been a certified mom and will have another set of worries altogether. But until the time comes, do me a favour will ya? Pray for me. Cos I'm scared stiff of wats going to happen...