Monday, February 12, 2007

Pregnant at 4 months


I found out to my dismay last week that I can't fit into most of my pants. There's also a few shirts that I can no longer wear. Haiyz.. I can practically see my money fly away at the the moment. Thank God I have alwyas preferred loose clothings. And being big, I also tend to show lesser than all those skinny mommies.

Jillian dragged me to Suntec last Thursday. Finally gave in and bought myself two blouses and a skirt. Goodness, I didn't know maternity wear could cost so much! I'd so much rather spend my money on buying those cute stuff they have for newborns. But yes, it's still way too early. Just the 3 pieces of clothing itself set me back close to $170!!

Work has been unbearable. At this moment, i dread coming to work daily only to see the piles of papers on my table. If previously, I get satisfaction from clearing those, nowadays, I feel that I'm only doing it because I have to. I can only imagine the heavy feeling I'll get coming back to work after my maternity leave.

Thse days, the only days I look forward to are my dates with Dr. Ang. The days I can see my baby and hear its heartbeat beating so fast. It's as though he/she is also nervous at meeting me and counting down the days impatiently. Patience my little one, we still have so many months to go - 5 to be exact. I've not had enough of being pregnant. I'm still waiting for your kicks and the experience of bringing u into my world.

My tummy has started to show. To me at least. Its also funny that I realise now the presence of so many pregnant woman around me. Never could I step up of the house without seeing another pregnant woman on the streets. Even hubby has taken on a new favourtite sentence, "Eh, pregnant woman lagik!". Heehee..!

Basically, we've already planned to sign up for a package with this gynae from Thomson Medical. Conseidering taking up pre-natal massage to help me with my forever aching back. Heard from a friend that they have packages for that too. Maybe after the 7th month, I will start preparing my baby's room and etc. Still so much things for me to learn. Haven't had the time to visit the library to get reference books. So far I've only been reading up online. Those forums can be of so much help!

Ok.. that's all for today. I'll try posting a pic of myself at 4 months pregnant. But don't look out for it.. heehee. Haven't been downloading photos on for the longest time. Don't know when I will ever feel up to it. Sorry ppl!