Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Phew! Haven't been here in a while. So today, I'm gonna update all that I can, provided blogger doesn't give me any problem.

Firstly, I've been really busy with work. The last month of the year not only brings along various activities and events planned (which requires OT and preparation), it also means budget planning, contract renewals, accruals, year end closign and all these what nots.

And then, there was the farewell for our baby - our beloved African Twin. It was sad letting him go. He was always there with us, through good times and bad times. So here's hubby kissing his bike goodbye...

We also welcomed our new baby, he FJR 1300 which I fondly refer to as the fatty-bom-bom. No pic at the moment. But watch out for it... it'll be coming to a space on this site sooner than you think.. I hope!

After that were the various trips around and across Singapore. This is for the 'running-in period'. We went to East Coast, twice to Singapore Expo (which is way at the other end from our Woodlands home). Then there was the supper trip to Senai and the whole day trip to Malacca, which is back to back mind you!

Malacca Trip

Just last weekend, we went to KL for a work cum retreat session with our union group. It was fun, and especially so since hubby and I were there together! Sometimes it's fun to go on a tour as eveything is arranged for you. You don't have to worry about getting a room, looking for food...

Throughout this whole time, I hadn't been feeling very well. Since my stomach flu at the end of Nov, I never fully recovered. My body was aching and there were constant bouts of nausea. Had a feeling that something's happening to me. Took the self test last Friday and visited the GP early today. It's positive! I am expecting our first baby!

So that's it for today.Wanted to upload more photos.. but I'm giving up now. Bloggers giving me problem again. Good nights people.. I'll try to update again soon okie! Good night!