Sunday, November 19, 2006

Last Friday, my Muslim colleagues and I put together a small feast for our non-Muslim colleagues. It was great fun and gave them an idea of the celebration (okay, i mean the food) we have for Hari Raya. This is actually yhe second time we're having this.

Needless to say, all of us stufeed ourselves silly with the lontong, sambal goreng, ayam panggang and rendang from Abg Suhaimi, and Nasi Minyak and stuffs from Zul. Me? I just brought over some kuih and beverages. Thanks guys for making this happen! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Haven't been feeling well the last few days. Something wrong with my stomach. Was also unlucky enough to catch the cold at the same time. Needless to say, the weekend flew past without me getting any housework done. Sigh**

I think its time I get serious about losing this weight. Lotsa well meaning friends and family has been telling me about how I've gotta lose weight before I will succeed in having a baby. Not that me and hubby are rushing lah, but my MIL has been obviously hinting to us about her wishes for her first grandchild. The time also seems right, its just if and when we are prepared for it.

I went to the clinic recently and the doctor told me about this condition called the POS or polycystic ovarian syndrome which she suspects is what I'm having. Its scary and too much for me to bear knowing that I am the cause of us not extending our future generations.

So I'm going to start being tough on myself and work to have this weight off whether I like it or not!

Its gonna be tough man.. I need all the support I can get. Wish me luck!

Monday, November 06, 2006

Today is a very special day. It's the birthday of someone very close to me. Someone who's always special, and will always be. And without whom I would not become who I am today.


I love you love you love you!! I'm sorry life hasn't been easy for you. I will try my best to make the coming years a bed of roses for you okie mak sayang!

Alhamdulliah, everything went smoothly last week. It was heartbreaking to leave behind a house full of memories. Everywhere I turn, I still see Dad. Even when the house was empty of our belongings. God bless his soul.

Raya this year has been better then expected. I had foreseen this Raya to be sombre and relatively quiet. But thanks to all my relatives and friends who has been visiting and in turn invited us to their home, I had not time to feel sorry for myself. Every weekends, we had visitors over. and so busy were we that we did not even take photos of the hundreds of guest that came.

Maybe its a sign to tell me to move on. I have to! For mom's sake, for hubby's sake, and especially for mine.