Sunday, May 07, 2006

Something to think about...

It seems that there's a pattern in the frequency of my blog entries. I only blog during weekends or public holidays. I'm not too busy at work, I'm not too busy at home either. However, the journey to and from work tires me. It is a long journey, one that I'm starting to dread each day. You can do a lot of things in 1hr 15mins.

Anyway, back to the point. I did a lot of things today. Went to the market, bought breakfast for the family. I cooked porridge, sambal ikan bilis and kacang, vege in oyster sauce... I was happy with my self. Encouraged, I went on to wash the clothes and mop the kitchen. However, I was careless of the wet and slippery floor. I slipped and fell. Hurt my bum.. and mostly my pride. Cos mom-in-law was around and she heard all the commotion.

Hubby was on night shift the previous night. Thus he was asleep when it all happened. When he woke up, I told him about my fall. I also told him that in the commotion, I grabbed the shower screen and now its not working as it should. It no longer slides open and close.. in fact it can no longer move.

He didn't say anything. Just asked me how it happened. But where were his words of concern? He did not ask me if I was hurt.. he did not see that I was near to tears and needed TLC. In fact, soon after, he went to check on the shower screen. I told him to. And together, we managed to solve the problem.

But I was still waiting.. And while waiting, I managed to watch tv, have dinner, vacuumed and mopped the whole house. And still it never came. Now he's gone to work, I'm going to bed soon after.. why am I still waiting?

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