Saturday, April 29, 2006

Many many things...

Helo.. haven't been here for a while. Been busy with bumminess and laziness... Today however, I've got a list! And nothings gonna stop me from blogging my heart out..!

First on my list of things to blog is our family trip to the "Wild Wild Wet" last weekend. There was me, hubby, nadia (my sis), mom and the kids (naqib and raziq). These kids have been bugging me for the longest time - "Bila mummy nak ikut kita pegi WWW? Mummy nie asyik work work work!" heheh.. So you see.. I just had to bring them there. So what did I do? I booked the company's ASA card for that weekend. This card entitles us to 3 free entries. There were so happy and it makes me happy to see the smiles on their faces.

My youngest brother eventually joined us.. He's an independent traveller now.. no longer needs to depend on mom and sis to give him a lift. That's simply bcos he has just passed his Class 2B license and is not the proud owner of his own bike. I must say.. I'm proud of him.

Before I forget, I'd like to say HI!! to Ayu. Found out recently that she has been visiting my site. She is a regular blogger too and if u guys are wondering, we used to be clasmates for all 4 years in secondary school. She came to all my tunang, nikah and wedding.. and she was also there to give me support when my father passed away. Now she is awaiting the delivery of her own child, whom she is refusing to tell at the moment if its a boy or girl, but I wish her the very best all the same. Happy for you Ayu!

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