Monday, June 19, 2006

Birthday's in June

Over the years, the people I've known more and more people who celebrates their birthday in June.
Firstly, there's Ayu another blogger whom I've known for years. Her birthday falls on the 4th of June.Sorry girl, I don't seem to have any of your latest photos.
Then there's Jillian (one of my best friend from poly) and Alice (my colleague) who shares the same bday on the 13th.

Me, Jillian and Jean

Alice's bday party in the office

There's also Azlifah, my primary cum poly mate cum neighbour, who just gave birth to Little Alisha on the 15th of June. Congrats Azee! Again no photo, as I've yet to meet the baby in person. Looking forward to meeting her. Will definitely do so when the mother is back at home.

Besides my Mak Teh bday on the 18th (if I'm not wrong) and Pak Busu's on the 21st, there's another birthday that I am so looking forward to.

Mine.... ;-p

Looking forward to spending some quality time with my loved ones. Can't wait!

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