Thursday, August 31, 2006

Seasons are changing..

Whoa.. finally, a time to blog.

Work has been madness these few days. Spent Monday to Wednesday packing some stuffs for the IMF thingy. Been OTing for the first two days of the week (including a short breather to Far East for a 30 minute shoe hunt with my colleagues after work).

Yesterday and today, was for catching up with my daily work. Nothing interesting there. It has also been raining very heavily these days. Somehow or other, instead of feeling down, it gives me this sense of calmness. Definitely just what I needed.

This weekend, grandma's having a kenduri at her house. And next weekend, another kenduri at my aunt's. The norm is for all my other aunties to bring a dish (some sort of pot luck) to contribute. I wonder if I'm expected to bring something, well since I'm married and everything.. but what should I bring. Buat malu jer if I bring something that is nt pleasant to the palate. I think, I have an idea. But let me dwell on it first. I'll let u guys know when the time comes okie??!!

Hokay.. by now, u should be able to see that what I write today are all useless chatter. Its just that I miss blogging but I dunno - my mind is just blank at the moment. So I shall stop now and continue another day. Have an early night everyone. Thank God its Friday tomorrow!!

Oh ya.. hi Ayu!! Dah nak beranak kau ni eh! I'm counting down with u! Lemme noe when it happens. Best lah!! Heehee....!!

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